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June |
2014 |
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1JD152 |
2JD153Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (36) Span cylinder at 300 psi. N2 at 20 psi---> 1900 psi at 13:00 MST, swapped N2 cylinder; old=cc176151, new= cc329280 no power in the picarro shed (power cord severed, breakers popped). Ran a new extention cord from bowling shed into picarro shed (picarro now seems ok) swapped SD card in "clearing" webcam at 13:40 MST, tried to fix sensor #3 (seems to have a problem?) at 13:50? MST, adjusted flow rate in span/N2 of LI-6262 system turned on fans in both licor boxes and the quacker box SpB Jeep Warm and sunny. Still lots of snow, but melting fast. |
3JD154 |
4JD155 |
5JD156 |
6JD157 |
7JD158 |
8JD159 |
9JD160AMS 17th Symposium on Met Observation and Instrumentation (Start) |
10JD161AMS Meeting (con't) |
11JD162AMS Meeting (con't) |
12JD163Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (29) Span cylinder at 30 --> 1900 psi. N2 at 1750 psi at 13:00 MST, swapped span cylinder; old=jj23865, new=cc254814 from 10:30-12:30 MST, replaced dessicant bottles in LI-7200, also replace inlet assembly (see notes) at 13:30 MST, swiped krypton moved cr3000 and GPS to trailer, using ed3k_11.cr3 and seems to work better there SpB Jeep Warm with big clouds. Cloudy on plains. |
13JD164Site Visit (ES): Details ES checked EC155 (sn 1073) SpB Off |
14JD165Flag Day |
15JD166Site Visit (ES): Details ES removed EC155 (sn 1073) Fathers Day |
16JD167 |
17JD168SpB Returns |
18JD169 |
19JD170 |
20JD171at XX:XX MST, LI-6262 (Gast) pump stops working |
21JD172Summer Solstice |
22JD173 |
23JD174 |
24JD175Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (12) Span cylinder at 1850 psi, N2 at 1500 psi from 11:30-12:30 MST, replaced LI-6262 Gast pump at 14:30 MST, lowered LI-7200 inlet assembly heater power to 0.23 A at 20.4V (it was at 0.3 A, 27V??) moved titan DSM to trailer (isffa), running fastpb15.csi (w/ time updates) setup dreamplug in Cristol (now "titan2") hauled seven old airgas cylinders to snowshed CU Jeep Cherokee Big clouds. Fairly humid and cool. |
25JD176 |
26JD177 |
27JD178Swapped internal battery on CR23x in the lab/Cristol (which 23X?) Photos from Lab/Cristol: 1 , 2 , 3 |
28JD179Site Visit (TB): Details Work on snow depth sensors at N Canopy tower |
29JD180Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (35) Span cylinder at 1800 psi, N2 at 1320 psi from 8:05-9:30 MST, cleaned the LI-7200 windows and cell; again lowered LI-7200 inlet assembly heater power from 0.29 A at 26V to 0.19 A at 17 V (seems to be unstable?) LI-7200 sig strengths looking good screenshot at 7:20 MST, swapped thumb drive in titan2, now running fastpb17.csi (no time updates) SpB Jeep Warm and sunny. |
30JD181 |
1JD182Site Visit (DB, M): Details N2 at 1300 psi (fittings checked) service TGA, remove electronic dendrometers |
2JD183at 9:30 am, meet with DB/PB connected LI7500A (OP-1) to cr23x/dreamplug (uc_04b.csi) in Cristol |
3JD184Site Visit (ES): Details ES redeploys EC155 |
4JD185CU Holiday (Independence Day) |
5JD186 |