NIWOT: Logbook Entries

NIWOT: data processing Messages: 23 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
654 Wed 09-Dec-2009october, 2009 info...nonesburns
521 Mon 07-Jan-2008update splus code for new span gas cylinder...nonesburns
437 Wed 23-May-2007covar process dies.russtersburns
420 Mon 02-Apr-2007restart co-var processCU 26m Towersburns
418 Fri 26-Jan-2007updated splus code on Jan 20th., 2007nonesburns
342 Wed 11-Jan-2006updated splus files on urquellnonesburns
341 Wed 11-Jan-2006Redo covar data on Nov 15th, 2005russtersburns
325 Mon 10-Oct-2005updated splus files (8/12/05)nonesburns
289 Fri 24-Jun-2005Data Processing -- updated splus code for new par sensor coefficients.nonesburns
188 Tue 11-May-2004Logger Data Processing Feb/March/April 2004nonesburns
158 Sun 04-Jan-2004How to redo covar process on russter.russtersburns
153 Sun 04-Jan-2004New Span Gas at Towernonesburns
147 Fri 12-Dec-2003Nov/Dec logger files for uc logger.nonesburns
132 Tue 28-Oct-2003updated licor6262 info.nonesburns
56 Wed 18-Jun-2003Data Processing of May Data. (problem)nonesburns
50 Wed 11-Jun-2003Logger Data Processing for May, 2003nonesburns
30 Wed 07-May-2003Logger Data Processing for April, 2003.nonesburns
21 Fri 11-Apr-2003Data Processing--Finishing off processing--General Infononesburns
20 Fri 11-Apr-2003March 2003 Data Processing--notes and problemsnonesburns
19 Thu 03-Apr-2003Logger Data Processing for March, 2003.nonesburns
15 Fri 21-Mar-2003Splus processing of Feb Data.nonesburns
13 Tue 18-Mar-2003Logger Data Processing for Feb., 2003nonesburns
8 Fri 28-Feb-2003Logger *csv Data Files for January, 2003nonesburns

654: data processing, Site none, Wed 09-Dec-2009 13:00:02 MST, october, 2009 info...
found a subtle BUG in cal.co2.q....related to the loaned's
related to the serial

 fgrep serial cal.co2.q <- function(zero, span, co2.raw,t.raw,p.raw,h2o.raw,t1,serial)
 if(serial==638) {
 if(serial==308) {
 if(serial==368) {
 if(serial==169) {
 if(serial==224) {
 if(serial==638 | serial == 169) {
 if(serial==638 | serial == 169) {
 if(serial==638 | serial == 169) {
 if(serial==638 | serial == 169) {
                 if(serial==638 | serial == 169) {

in spots where it says, "if(serial==638 | serial == 169)" it should
say, if(serial==638 | serial == 169 | serial == 224)"


also, what's the difference between:

co2.fluxes.q:if(serial==638 || serial == 169  || serial == 224) {


cal.co2.q:if(serial==638 | serial == 169)       {

?? [has to do with vectors/matrices?]...see:

so now i have: <- function(zero, span, co2.raw,t.raw,p.raw,h2o.raw,t1,serial)
 if(serial==638) {
 if(serial==308) {
 if(serial==368) {
 if(serial==169) {
 if(serial==224) {
 if(serial==638 || serial == 169 || serial == 224)       {
 if(serial==638 || serial == 169 || serial == 224)       {
 if(serial==638 || serial == 169 || serial == 224)       {
 if(serial==638 || serial == 169 || serial == 224)       {
                 if(serial==638 || serial == 169 || serial == 224)       {

521: data processing, Site none, Mon 07-Jan-2008 14:22:29 MST, update splus code for new span gas cylinder...
* on Sun Jan  6 20:54:04 MST 2008

  updated the splus code for the new span gas

if(t1 >= utime("07 jun 22 140000") & t1 < utime("07 dec 13 150000"))    {
 Cspan <- 402.0         #  cal cylinder is CC240435, (Airgas Value=407.8 ppm)
                        #  Trailer Cal=(401.72 +  402.56 + 401.74)./3=402.0067 ppm

if(t1 >= utime("07 dec 13 150000"))     {
 Cspan <- 334.86        #  cal cylinder is Scott-Marrin CC66823, (Britt Value= 334.86)

to the files:

-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      18358 Jan  6 20:56 cal.co2.q*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      14575 Jan  6 20:57*

then did:


437: data processing, Site russter, Wed 23-May-2007 16:32:21 MDT, covar process dies.
*   Mon Apr 30 08:55:47 MDT 2007

  reran the covar files starting at the date when the process died (25
  April 2007).  so here's what i did with covar_redo (change the date
  to be the date you want "covar_redo" to restart, ie:

  cd /usr/local/isff/aster/projects/NIWOT/scripts/
  emacs -nw covar_redo

  in covar_redo make the line with "set begin" to be:  set begin = "2007 apr 25 00:00"

the covar files (before doing anything) are:

dir /usr/local/aster/projects/NIWOT/results/covar/
total 6440
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      280488 Apr 23 18:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281892 Apr 25 18:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281860 Apr 26 14:17
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      244196 Apr 26 14:17

[and then it stops].

so ran, "covar_redo",  now with "check_aster" i get:

            -------------- Covar calcs --------------
host            user   pid    start exectime process
russter2    sburns   19971 08:58 pt00:00:05 covar -S -a quacker -f -B 2007 apr

and the files are being created, ie:

-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281860 Apr 23 18:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      280488 Apr 23 18:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281892 Apr 25 18:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281860 Apr 30 08:58
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281860 Apr 30 08:59
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281860 Apr 30 09:00
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281860 Apr 30 09:00
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281860 Apr 30 09:00
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      190268 Apr 30 09:00

now just need to restart the "normal" covar...which is "covar_quacker".  So
it shows,

            -------------- Covar calcs --------------
host            user   pid    start exectime process
russter2    sburns   32295 14:12 pt00:00:00 covar -S -a quacker

then i get,

-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      281860 Apr 30 09:00
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      190268 Apr 30 09:10

420: data processing, Site CU 26m Tower, Mon 02-Apr-2007 16:27:23 MDT, restart co-var process
Feb 6, 2007:  noticed that the covar process had died on russter2:

* reran the covar files starting at the date when the process died
  (23 January 2007).  so here's what i did with covar_redo:

 Tue Feb  6 13:59:52 MST 2007

 cd /usr/local/isff/aster/projects/NIWOT/scripts/

 more covar_redo

  #!/bin/csh -f
  # Rerun covar

  #nice +20

  set script = $0
  set script = $script:t

  setenv OPS `getops now`

  if ( ! $?PROJECT || ! $?OPS ) then
    echo "Error $0 : PROJECT/OPS environment variables are not set!"
    echo "Do set_project."
    exit 1

  # setenv COVARDIR $ASTER/projects/$PROJECT/results/covar

  set begin = "2007 jan 23 00:00"

  covar -S -a quacker -f -B "$begin" &

the covar files (before doing anything) are:

dir /usr/local/aster/projects/NIWOT/results/covar/
total 6440
drwxrwsr-x    2 maclean  aster       20480 Feb  2 16:03 ./
drwxrwsr-x    3 maclean  aster        4096 Sep 14  1998 ../
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan  2 17:05
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan  3 17:05
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan  4 17:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan  5 17:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan 21 17:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan 22 17:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan 23 16:59
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan 23 16:59
[and then it stops].

so ran, "covar_redo",  now with "check_aster" i get:

            -------------- Covar calcs --------------
host            user   pid    start exectime process
russter2    sburns   32057 14:04 pt00:00:19 covar -S -a quacker -f -B 2007 jan

and the files are being created, ie:

-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Jan 23 16:59
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:05
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      284116 Feb  6 14:05
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      266756 Feb  6 14:06
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      256744 Feb  6 14:10

now just need to restart the "normal" covar...which is "covar_quacker".  So
it shows,

            -------------- Covar calcs --------------
host            user   pid    start exectime process
russter2    sburns   32295 14:12 pt00:00:00 covar -S -a quacker

then i get,

-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      285388 Feb  6 14:10
-rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster      267160 Feb  6 15:15

418: data processing, Site none, Fri 26-Jan-2007 14:03:45 MST, updated splus code on Jan 20th., 2007
On Jan 20, 2007:

updated splus code for the cal gas cylinder installed on Jan 9th.
code changed is:

-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      17879 Jan 20 16:25 cal.co2.q*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      14099 Jan 20 16:26*

if(t1 >= utime("06 aug 13 110000") & t1 < utime("07 jan 9 140000"))     {
 Cspan <- 404.6         #  cal cylinder is CC187116, (Airgas Value=400.0 ppm)
                        #  Trailer Cal=(404.26+404.12+404.89+405.24)./4=404.6

if(t1 >= utime("07 jan 9 140000"))     {
 Cspan <- 397.6         #  cal cylinder is CC57787, (Airgas Value=396.0 ppm)
                        #  Trailer Cal=(397.98 + 397.04 +  397.33 + 397.87)./4=397.6

< if(t1 >= utime("06 aug 13 110000") & t1 < utime("07 jan 9 140000"))     {
> if(t1 >= utime("06 aug 13 110000"))     {
< if(t1 >= utime("07 jan 9 140000"))     {
<  Cspan <- 397.6         #  cal cylinder is CC57787, (Airgas Value=396.0 ppm)
<                         #  Trailer Cal=(397.98 + 397.04 +  397.33 + 397.87)./4=397.6
<                         }

make: `' is up to date.

make: `' is up to date.

342: data processing, Site none, Wed 11-Jan-2006 16:30:07 MST, updated splus files on urquell
on 11/11/05, updated the files:

-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      15961 Nov 12 00:24 cal.co2.q*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      13311 Nov 12 00:25*

with the latest cal gas

if(t1 >= utime("05 jan 20 113000") & t1 < utime("05 jun 30 100000"))     {
 Cspan <- 405.5         #  cal cylinder is CC187532, (Airgas Value=401.0 ppm)
                        #  11:30 MST, Jan 20th 2005 -> 10:00 MST, June 30th 2005
                        #  11/1/05,  Trailer Cal:(406.27+404.73+405.34+405.64)./4= 405.4950 +/- 0.64

if(t1 >= utime("05 jun 30 100000") & t1 < utime("05 sep 20 100000"))     {
 Cspan <- 417.953       #  cal cylinder is CA02337, Scott-Marrin, calibrated by Britt
                        #  10:00 MST, June 30th 2005 -> 9:50 MST, Sep 20th 2005
                        #  1030 psi    5  CA02337  417.953  0.011 3  (Scott-Marrin)

if(t1 >= utime("05 sep 20 100000") & t1 < utime("05 nov 1 153000"))     {
 Cspan <- 349.265       #  cal cylinder is CC114714, Scott-Marrin, calibrated by Britt
                        #  9:50 MST, Sept 20th 2005 -> 15:30 MST, Nov 1st 2005
                        #  920 psi    7  CC114714 349.265  0.017 3  (Scott-Marrin)

if(t1 >= utime("05 nov 1 153000"))     {
 Cspan <- 407.3         #  cal cylinder is CC156367, (Airgas Value=406.4 ppm)
                        #  Trailer Cal=(407.94+407.59+407.29+406.64)./4=407.365 +/- 0.5

then did:


341: data processing, Site russter, Wed 11-Jan-2006 16:28:32 MST, Redo covar data on Nov 15th, 2005
Tuesday, November 15th Visit:

* NOW, i noticed that i had the wrong number of items in the "units"
  section or prep.conf ie:

  /usr/local/isff/aster/projects/NIWOT/ops1[95]: diff prep.config prep.config~
  < s=quacker:202 c=camp_21x_bin("mv","mv","mv","mv","kOhms","kOhms","sec","percent","C")
  > s=quacker:202 c=camp_21x_bin("mv","mv","mv","mv","mv","kOhms","kOhms","sec","percent","C")

  -rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster        6643 Nov 15 10:51 prep.config
  -rw-rw-r--    1 sburns   aster        6648 Oct 28 14:20 prep.config~

* for some reason the chan202 parameters were all coming out as NaN in
the 5-min covar data files (even for days when the communication was
working).  So, i tried the following:

 Tue Nov 15 10:30:52 MST 2005

 cd /usr/local/isff/aster/projects/NIWOT/scripts/
 more covar_redo

  #!/bin/csh -f
  # Rerun covar

  #nice +20

  set script = $0
  set script = $script:t

  setenv OPS `getops now`

  if ( ! $?PROJECT || ! $?OPS ) then
    echo "Error $0 : PROJECT/OPS environment variables are not set!"
    echo "Do set_project."
    exit 1

  # setenv COVARDIR $ASTER/projects/$PROJECT/results/covar

  set begin = "2005 jun 10 00:00"

  covar -S -a quacker -f -B "$begin" &

/usr/local/isff/aster/projects/NIWOT/scripts[61]: covar_redo
[1] 17691
/usr/local/isff/aster/projects/NIWOT/scripts[62]: OPS=ops1

325: data processing, Site none, Mon 10-Oct-2005 11:00:00 MDT, updated splus files (8/12/05)
on 8/12/05, updated the files:

-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      15064 Aug 12 12:24 cal.co2.q*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      12414 Aug 12 12:25*

with the latest cal gas

if(t1 >= utime("05 jan 20 113000") & t1 < utime("05 jun 30 100000"))     {
 Cspan <- 401.0         #  cal cylinder is CC187532, 401.0 ppm
                        #  11:30 MST, Jan 20th 2005 ->

if(t1 >= utime("05 jun 30 100000"))     {
 Cspan <- 417.953       #  cal cylinder is CA02337, Scott-Marrin, calibrated by Britt

 still need to run cals on CC187532 in the trailer!!

then did:


289: data processing, Site none, Fri 24-Jun-2005 16:07:38 MDT, Data Processing -- updated splus code for new par sensor coefficients.
% updated splus software to use the new cal coefficients for the PAR sensors:
% Wed May 11 08:14:27 MDT 2005

fgrep 0.29512 *q
light.calculate.q:#     PAR.up : Voltage calibration :  Signal(mV)*0.29512*1000
light.calculate.q:par.up <- par.up*0.29512*1000
logger.input.q:cnr[,10] <- cnr[,10]*0.29512*1000    PAR.up : Voltage calibration :  Signal(mV)*0.29512*1000 <- PAR.up*0.29512*1000
met.data2.q:#   PAR.up : Voltage calibration :  Signal(mV)*0.29512*1000
met.data2.q:PAR.up <- PAR.up*0.29512*1000
monthly.met.q:# PAR.up : Voltage calibration :  Signal(mV)*0.29512*1000
monthly.met.q:PAR.up <- PAR.up*0.29512*1000
montly.met.q:#  PAR.up : Voltage calibration :  Signal(mV)*0.29512*1000
montly.met.q:PAR.up <- PAR.up*0.29512*1000
radiation.q:#   PAR.up : Voltage calibration :  Signal(mV)*0.29512*1000
radiation.q:PAR.up <- PAR.up*0.29512*1000
shadowband.q:PAR.up <- PAR.up*0.29512*1000

update the following programs:

######  PAR sensors

if(t1 > utime("99 jun 23 140000"))      {
#  Convert PAR up and down  to real units :
#       PAR.up : Serial #Q23139         Cal. constant = 5.61
#       PAR.dn : Serial #Q22793         Cal. constant = 5.65
# Units are microA/1000*micromol s-1 m-2
#       PAR.up : Voltage calibration :  Signal(mV)*0.29512*1000
#       PAR.dn : Voltage calibration :  Signal (mV)*0.29303*1000
# Final units : micromoles/m-2 s-1

PAR.up <- PAR.up*0.29512*1000
PAR.dn <- PAR.dn*0.29303*1000 <- PAR.up - PAR.dn

if(t1 > utime("01 jul 11 000000"))      {
        par.dif <- par.dif*241.1

was changed to:

if(t1 >=  utime("99 jun 23 140000") & t1 < utime("05 feb 17 150000"))      {
# if(t1 > utime("99 jun 23 140000"))    {
#  Convert PAR up and down  to real units :
#       PAR.up : Serial #Q23139         Cal. constant = 5.61
#       PAR.dn : Serial #Q22793         Cal. constant = 5.65
# Units are microA/1000*micromol s-1 m-2
#       PAR.up : Voltage calibration :  Signal(mV)*0.29512*1000
#       PAR.dn : Voltage calibration :  Signal (mV)*0.29303*1000
# Final units : micromoles/m-2 s-1

PAR.up <- PAR.up*0.29512*1000
PAR.dn <- PAR.dn*0.29303*1000 <- PAR.up - PAR.dn

if(t1 > utime("05 feb 17 150000"))    {
#  New par sensors installed on Feb 17th 2005 at 3pm.
#  Convert PAR up and down  to real units :
#       PAR.up : Serial #Q34620         Cal. constant = 5.75 umol/(sec m2)
#       PAR.dn : Serial #Q34619         Cal. constant = 5.62 umol/(s m2)
PAR.up <- PAR.up*0.28793*1000
PAR.dn <- PAR.dn*0.29460*1000 <- PAR.up - PAR.dn

then did:

Splus.compile -D /usr/local/aster/isff/.Data/NIWOT && touch
S-PLUS : Copyright (c) 1988, 1996 MathSoft, Inc.
S : Copyright AT&T.
Version 3.4 Release 1 for Sun SPARC, SunOS 5.3 : 1996

**************** Messages for Local Splus Users **********************

There's help! From the Splus prompt, enter:
  help(local)   for info on local developments (updated Feb 23, 1998)
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  help(sheba)   a little help for the SHEBA project    (Feb 24, 1998)
  help.start()  X help window
  q()           to exit Splus
To display current users, from the shell prompt, enter:
  Splus LICENSE users

Attached /usr/local/aster/isff/.Data/NIWOT
Working data will be in /home/staff/sburns/.Data
Warning: Audit file is 568091 characters long.
Run TRUNC_AUDIT to truncate it. See help file for complete

188: data processing, Site none, Tue 11-May-2004 11:59:24 MDT, Logger Data Processing Feb/March/April 2004
% Logger data processing Notes

...all fine on the main tower, N Canopy tower had power problems...the 
battery was slowly losing power (see this by plotting the battery voltage 
from the MRS logger).

around March 20th (jd 80) it really started having problems and we lost
data from the TC and soil cr23x data loggers.  apparently the cr10x
needs less power and the MRS snowprobe data were more-or-less ok.

it looks like soil5_3b.dat holds all the data from jd 74-118:

ie, soil5_3b.dat:  74  to 118.

there is a large gap in the middle of this file..this is when the 
power was not working well at the N canopy tower...the gap is:

137,325,1515,-6999,-19.14,-20.7,-.446,       **** remove
137,105,1500,-6999,-.602,-.721,-.601,-.31,   **** remove
137,105,1505,-6999,-.601,-.726,-.592,-.312,  **** remove
137,105,1510,-6999,-.597,-.728,-.595,        **** remove
137,105,1515,-6999,-.6,-.726,-.594,-.32,     **** remove
137,105,1520,-6999,-.601,-.726,-.6,-.321,    **** remove

this creates nearly a 1 month gap in the data!!

note that soil3_17b.dat stops at,

tail soil3_17b.dat

and soil5_3b.dat starts at day there is some overlap
here...remove the first 3 days of data from soil5_3b.dat and then
everything is clean.

now, i combined soil5_3b.dat and soil5_3c.dat into soil5_3.dat ... use soil5_3.dat for March, April, and May!!

here are the files:

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     127109 May  7 09:56 CNR_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     136465 May  7 10:03 CNR_2004_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     134195 May 10 09:31 CNR_2004_04.csv

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1326704 May  7 12:48 CO2_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1391763 May  7 15:33 CO2_2004_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1391828 May 10 11:18 CO2_2004_04.csv

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     247909 May  7 12:52 MET_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     267213 May  7 15:40 MET_2004_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     257912 May 10 11:25 MET_2004_04.csv

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     613282 May  7 12:28 MRS_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     644612 May  7 13:46 MRS_2004_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     578418 May 11 10:50 MRS_2004_04.csv

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      74791 May  7 12:39 PRF_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      78429 May  7 13:50 PRF_2004_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      86344 May 10 09:36 PRF_2004_04.csv

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     555025 May  7 11:58 SOIL_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     522376 May 10 08:56 SOIL_2004_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     413033 May 10 09:11 SOIL_2004_04.csv

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     297287 May  7 11:26 TCs_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     267283 May 11 09:48 TCs_2004_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     226988 May 11 11:27 TCs_2004_04.csv

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     157549 May  7 12:58 TCs_NCAR_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     159561 May  7 15:46 TCs_NCAR_2004_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     157712 May 10 11:31 TCs_NCAR_2004_04.csv

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     163739 May  7 13:05 UC_2004_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     161680 May  7 15:52 UC_2004_03.csv

158: data processing, Site russter, Sun 04-Jan-2004 14:43:26 MST, How to redo covar process on russter.
October 31st:

needed to update covar.config since the covar process was not
running on the quacker.  See:

[/usr/local/aster/projects/NIWOT/ops1] tail /var/adm/messages
Oct 29 18:07:00 russter ntpdate[15860]: adjust time server offset 0.3524125
Oct 29 23:50:36 russter inetd[156]: config: 100068/rpc/udp still active and was not reconfigured.
Oct 29 23:50:36 russter inetd[156]: config: 100083/rpc/tcp still active and was not reconfigured.
Oct 30 06:07:01 russter ntpdate[17315]: adjust time server offset 0.3480103
Oct 30 13:10:05 russter covar[18133]: Can't find c12o2
Oct 30 18:07:01 russter ntpdate[18854]: adjust time server offset 0.3267275
Oct 30 23:48:23 russter inetd[156]: config: 100068/rpc/udp still active and was not reconfigured.
Oct 30 23:48:23 russter inetd[156]: config: 100083/rpc/tcp still active and was not reconfigured.

this is because c12o2 was removed from prep.config, but not covar.config.


153: data processing, Site none, Sun 04-Jan-2004 12:22:53 MST, New Span Gas at Tower
* Data processing notes:

---when the span gas is changed two files need to be modified in
/usr/local/aster/isff/src/sfun/NIWOT/....these are:

-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      13760 Nov  9 13:38 cal.co2.q*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 aturnip     10997 May 22  2003*

(didn't realize this earlier so only cal.co2.q was modified).


if(t1 >= utime("03 nov 01 143000"))     {
 Cspan <- 345.4         # cal tank value in ppm from (Scott-Marin Cylinder)
                        #  Nov 1, 2003 -> 

to both files.  Also, updated for the span tank changed on 12/4/2003, ie:

if(t1 >= utime("03 nov 01 143000") & t1 < utime("03 dec 04 133000"))     {
 Cspan <- 345.4         # cal tank value in ppm from (Scott-Marin Cylinder)
                        #  Nov 1, 2003 -> Dec 4, 2003

if(t1 >= utime("03 dec 04 133000"))     {
 Cspan <- 402.1         # cal tank is CC66062, (402.59+400.98+402.8)./3=402.12
                        #  Dec 4, 2003 ->

then do,


147: data processing, Site none, Fri 12-Dec-2003 14:10:21 MST, Nov/Dec logger files for uc logger.
For the UC logger there were many files (i think because "collect all"
was used for the last download)...the files are:

-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     729301 Dec  4 14:49 uc12_4.dat*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     273035 Dec  4 14:54 23xucb.dat*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     757890 Dec  4 15:00 uc12_b.dat*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     253144 Dec  4 15:10 123.dat*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     518316 Dec  4 15:14 uc12_pc.dat*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     289426 Dec  4 15:18 123b.dat*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns        174 Dec  4 15:18 test.dat*

most of these data are not needed...the files which have the most
recent data are: "uc12_b.dat" and "uc12_pc.dat"

more uc12_b.dat

tail uc12_b.dat

more uc12_pc.dat

tail uc12_pc.dat

the uc12_b.dat file overlaps with

fgrep '2,308,1205' ../uc11_4.dat

fgrep '2,308,1205' *.dat

need to get rid of "uc11_19.dat". . .this file has some older data in

 more ../uc11_19.dat
 tail ../uc11_19.dat

here's fix#1:

 cp uc12_b.dat uc11_19.dat

 tail ../uc11_4.dat

 --now edited the "uc11_19.dat" to start where ../uc11_4.dat ends.

mv uc12_4.dat uc12_4_wrong.dat
mv uc12_pc.dat  uc12_4.dat

Now I have 2 files from the uc logger which are:

 -rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     229317 Dec  7 15:23 uc11_19.dat*
 -rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     518278 Dec  7 15:24 uc12_4.dat*

no other files are needed!

132: data processing, Site none, Tue 28-Oct-2003 13:13:36 MST, updated licor6262 info.
Oct 28, 2003:

Updated the files:

-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns      13522 Oct 28 13:13 cal.co2.q*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns       6860 Oct 28 13:11 co2.h2o.q*

with the recalibrated licor6262 info:

        if(t1 >= utime("03 oct 21 130000"))     {
        ## Recalibrated in September, 2003  (The cell was replaced)
                To <- 38.79+273.15              # K
                K <- 17901
                A <- 1.35603E-01
                B <- 1.27271E-05
                C <- 4.632E-09
                D <- -4.23231E-13
                E <- 2.7365E-17
                R <- 0.0
                p.slope <- 0.0152               # kPa/mV
                p.offset <- 59.123              # kP
                ### H2O coefficients
                ToH <- 39.43 + 273.15
                KH <- 16088
                AH <- 6.14523E-3
                BH <- 2.58132E-6
                CH <- 2.03002E-11

56: data processing, Site none, Wed 18-Jun-2003 12:19:56 MDT, Data Processing of May Data. (problem)
% the fix for the *.may21.31.03 files:

1. It looked like there were some problems on the afternoon of May
28th.  This can be seen in UCfluxes.q:

 Flux file time:  03 05 28 jd:148 15:00:00 MDT
 U:  0.56262
 U-dir:  207.25
 u'w' :  0.0045952
 u* :  0.079285
 z/l :  0.70784
   H                -9.768
   E               -2.9021
 CO2              344.3
        F(CO2)           0.0288

 mem = 45.939416
  i 367
  i =  367Error in "[.its"(x, ii, jj): subscript out of bounds

Here are some errors from the log file:

 fgrep Error /usr/local/aster/isff/src/sfun/NIWOT/tmp/fluxcalcs.csh.splus.out.18139

 Error in qr.resid(z, y): y and qr$qr should have same number of rows
 Error in qr.resid(z, y): y and qr$qr should have same number of rows
 Using a 6251 - no H2O IRGA dataError in var(w, scalar): missing values in y not allowed
 Error in "tspar<-.its"(x, p): tspar must be in increasing order
  i =  367Error in "[.its"(x, ii, jj): subscript out of bounds
  i =  367Error in "[.its"(x, ii, jj): subscript out of bounds
 Error in parse(file = fileinput): can't open source file
 Error in parse(file = fileinput): can't open source file
 Error in parse(file = fileinput): can't open source file

2. used data_stats to look at the files around here
a bit more closely:

data_stats < /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/all/nwt030528.160000
# of points     start time      end time          delta time   freq 
  0     8733    16:00:00.762    18:27:01.082       8820.320    0.990
200    88206    16:00:00.098    18:27:01.355       8821.257    9.999
201    88207    16:00:00.070    18:27:01.295       8821.225    9.999
202     8821    16:00:00.674    18:27:00.927       8820.253    1.000
203     8821    16:00:00.823    18:27:01.053       8820.230    1.000
205     8821    16:00:00.961    18:27:01.205       8820.244    1.000
206    50918    16:00:00.080    18:27:01.203       8821.123    5.772
207     8821    16:00:00.697    18:27:00.911       8820.214    1.000

data_stats < /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/all/nwt030528.182838 
# of points     start time      end time          delta time   freq 
  0      641    18:28:38.204    18:39:24.603        646.399    0.990
200     6446    18:28:42.328    18:39:24.951        642.623   10.029
201     6427    18:28:44.340    18:39:24.987        640.647   10.030
202      641    18:28:46.350    18:39:25.021        638.671    1.002
203      638    18:28:48.359    18:39:24.145        635.786    1.002 <---missing chan206!
205      636    18:28:50.369    18:39:24.301        633.932    1.002
207      635    18:28:51.020    18:39:25.003        633.983    1.000

data_stats < /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/all/nwt030528.183933 
# of points     start time      end time          delta time   freq 
  0    38066    18:39:33.625    23:59:59.600      19225.975    1.980 <--- freq is near 2.
200   181829    18:39:39.156    23:59:59.990      19220.834    9.460
201   192241    18:39:35.136    23:59:59.958      19224.822   10.000
202    19223    18:39:35.136    23:59:59.754      19224.617    1.000
203    19226    18:39:35.136    23:59:59.828      19224.691    1.000
205    19221    18:39:35.136    23:59:59.014      19223.879    1.000
206   192199    18:39:39.224    23:59:59.910      19220.686   10.000
207    19223    18:39:35.136    23:59:59.644      19224.508    1.000

since nwt030528.182838 is missing chan206 and it's a short file
I moved that file to my's now:

     611856 May 28 12:39 /home/staff/sburns/nwt030528.182838.problemfile

I can move it back after the processing is done.

3. per andrews suggestion I manually blocked out some times near the
problem time...I did this in Splus as:

 a <- dget("/home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/DT.may21.31.03")
 [1] 528  11
 > a[367:369,]
                    DATA SONIC KR CO2 RH PTOT RNET TEMP CO2.CAL H2O CO2.75 
 03 05 28 150000.000    T     T  T   T  T    T    T    T       F   T      T
 03 05 28 153000.000    T     T  F   T  T    T    T    T       F   T      T
 03 05 28 160000.000    T     T  F   T  T    T    T    T       F   T      T
 > a[367:369,] <- F
 > a[367:369,]
                    DATA SONIC KR CO2 RH PTOT RNET TEMP CO2.CAL H2O CO2.75 
 03 05 28 150000.000    F     F  F   F  F    F    F    F       F   F      F
 03 05 28 153000.000    F     F  F   F  F    F    F    F       F   F      F
 03 05 28 160000.000    F     F  F   F  F    F    F    F       F   F      F
 attr(, "class"):
 [1] "ats"    "its"    "Matrix"


Did the same thing for PT and WT,

 > a <- dget("/home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/PT.may21.31.03")
 > a[367:369,] <- F
 > dput(a,"/home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/PT.may21.31.03")
 > b <- dget("/home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/WT.may.21.31.03")
 > b[367:369,] <- F
 > dput(b,"/home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/WT.may.21.31.03")

4. after doing this copied  fluxcalcs.csh to fluxcalcs_notime.csh...where
I commented out the calls to find the times.  Re-ran this.  So far there
are no errors:

fgrep Error tmp/fluxcalcs_notime.csh.splus.out.12504

50: data processing, Site none, Wed 11-Jun-2003 13:17:08 MDT, Logger Data Processing for May, 2003
Wed June 11, 2003
May Logger Data Processing:

Final "Cleaned Up" Data Files:

    1488    1488  115068 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/CNR_2003_05.csv
   44640   44640 1455240 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/CO2_2003_05.csv
    1488    1488  211047 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/MET_2003_05.csv
    1488    1488  513355 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/MRS_2003_05.csv
    1488    1488  106306 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/PRF_2003_05.csv
    8928    8928  801957 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/TCs_NCAR_2003_05.csv
    1488    1488  293166 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/
    2976    2976 1753091 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/

Some of these files have data which are averaged down to 1/2 values.  
There are now 5-min data available for most of the loggers (error in CNR 
program needs to be fixed) and most will be 5-min for June.  Soil logger
is set to be 10-min values.

Also, in early May (2nd May) all the logger times were checked and set
to be MST.  All these files have the time stamp in MST.  The location of
the time stamp (at the end of the data period) was not considered in
processing these data.

30: data processing, Site none, Wed 07-May-2003 09:06:43 MDT, Logger Data Processing for April, 2003.
Logger Data Processing for April 2003:

May 7, 2003:
**All the logger data archive has been moved from
/home/staff/sburns/data_loggers_download/ over to /data3/data_logger/
(there is still a link from the old location to the new one).

Final "Cleaned Up" Data Files:

  1440    1440  111600 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/CNR_2003_04.csv
 43200   43200 1402137 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/CO2_2003_04.csv
  1440    1440  190355 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/MET_2003_04.csv
  1440    1440  538240 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/MRS_2003_04.csv
  1440    1440   91512 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/PRF_2003_04.csv
  8640    8640  797644 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/TCs_NCAR_2003_04.csv
  1440    1440  116045 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/UC_2003_04.csv
  2880    2880 1488505 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/

Note:  There are no soil flux data from the N. Canopy Tower since that data
logger didn't have any power when I arrived there.

Some of the logger data had problems...these were cleaned up with
matlab mfiles:

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       3555 May  6 13:23 fix_mrs_2003_04.m
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       3866 May  5 17:52 fix_tc23x_april03.m
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       2838 May  6 16:20 fix_uc_2003_04.m

Mostly the problems were due to errors in the time stamp.  If there
are 2 data gaps within the time period then it was a bit difficult to
tell when the problem occurred.

The raw or original data files were saved as:

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     256908 Apr 25 15:45 030425b_raw.dat
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     249801 May  5 10:42 030425b_orig.dat
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns    1285204 May  2 13:30 tc5_2_orig.dat*
-rwxrwxr-x   1 sburns     168941 May  2 12:58 uc5_2b_orig.dat*

and the "fixed" data files are:

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     266017 May  6 13:29 030425b.dat
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1422594 May  5 18:24 tc5_2.dat
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     170954 May  6 16:27 uc5_2b.dat

Here's an example of the missing data from the UC data logger
...according to my processing of the UC data the data stopped at:

 Missing Data ----  2003,  4/18   13:00:00  --> 108 1300
 Missing Data ----  2003,  4/25   12:30:00  --> 115 1230

and then came back on-line at:

 1682 Data: 2003,  4/25   13:00:00   13:00:00

the 25th is a day we went up to the tower....and the time looks
approximately correct (1pm).

21: data processing, Site none, Fri 11-Apr-2003 09:52:08 MDT, Data Processing--Finishing off processing--General Info
Here are the last few steps to finish off the data processing:

 fun.monthly()   % to make the monthly plots.

1. need to run "fun.dirt()" in Splus.
(manually edit te dirt.q program....then pick the entire
     month when the gui window pops up).

 edit the file:  dirt.q  % update file names and month.
 compile with:   make .fun.dirt

 > fun.dirt(days=28)

2. month.recap.csh --- this does all the combining and
integrates the soil data into the data file...i think the
end result are the:  s.2003/* files.

before doing this edit the files:  
                 (replace with the current datafiles):
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       2025 Mar 11 14:57 /usr/local/aster/isff/src/sfun/NIWOT/data1.txt
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       2025 Mar 11 14:57 /usr/local/aster/isff/src/sfun/NIWOT/data2.txt
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip      2007 Mar  5 11:59 /usr/local/aster/isff/src/sfun/NIWOT/data3.txt

20: data processing, Site none, Fri 11-Apr-2003 09:25:39 MDT, March 2003 Data Processing--notes and problems
Some details about the Data Processing for March 2003 data.

Note:  there was a time gap in the data when the data system was down from about
March 18-24.  This is due to a big snowstorm.  The logger data seem ok for the
canopy tower data.

From the monthly plots there appeared to be 2 minor problems with the data:

 1. Wind speed/dir was artificially being set to zero.  (don't recall exactly
 why/where this was happening...)..andrew fixed the problem.

 2. Rnet from the Q*7.1 was giving some wild numbers (around 4000).  This
 was due to the covar calculation applying the calibration coefficients
 twice.  When the data were spiky "light.calculate.q" was being used--this
 was ok.  with covar data the calculation is done in "". ie:

  ### On May 10, 2002 - switched out REBs radiometers :
  if(t1 >= utime("02 may 10 140000") & t1 <= utime("02 dec 01 000000"))   {
  Rnet <- ifelse(Rnet > 0, Rnet*1.0627*9.22, Rnet*1.0079*11.3)

  ### On DEc. 1, 2002 - switched out REBs radiometers :
  if(t1 >= utime("02 dec 01 000000"))     {
  Rnet <- ifelse(Rnet > 0, Rnet*1.0627*9.35, Rnet*1.0079*11.56)

there seemed to be a problem with:

 aturnip     13016 Dec 17 16:44 /usr/local/aster/isff/src/sfun/NIWOT/prof.analyze.q

This program was having problems since the sizes of some of the vectors
were not consistent (due to missing data in mid-march) fix, i did a 
manual running of the program by making the following patch:

> dim(data.file)
[1] 361  21
> dim(Times)
[1] 385  10
> <- dget(
> dim(
[1] 385  24

the dimension of the data.file is different than the times file...just keep
going through this program one step at a time:

> time.tag
 [1] "03 03 11 jd:070 00:00:00 MST" "03 03 11 jd:070 00:30:00 MST"
 [3] "03 03 11 jd:070 01:00:00 MST" "03 03 11 jd:070 01:30:00 MST"
 [5] "03 03 11 jd:070 02:00:00 MST" "03 03 11 jd:070 02:30:00 MST"
 [7] "03 03 11 jd:070 03:00:00 MST" "03 03 11 jd:070 03:30:00 MST"
 [9] "03 03 11 jd:070 04:00:00 MST" "03 03 11 jd:070 04:30:00 MST"
[11] "03 03 11 jd:070 05:00:00 MST" "03 03 11 jd:070 05:30:00 MST"
[13] "03 03 11 jd:070 06:00:00 MST" "03 03 11 jd:070 06:30:00 MST"
...etc, etc...
[367] "03 03 18 jd:077 15:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 15:30:00 MST"
[369] "03 03 18 jd:077 16:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 16:30:00 MST"
[371] "03 03 18 jd:077 17:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 17:30:00 MST"
[373] "03 03 18 jd:077 18:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 18:30:00 MST"
[375] "03 03 18 jd:077 19:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 19:30:00 MST"
[377] "03 03 18 jd:077 20:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 20:30:00 MST"
[379] "03 03 18 jd:077 21:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 21:30:00 MST"
[381] "03 03 18 jd:077 22:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 22:30:00 MST"
[383] "03 03 18 jd:077 23:00:00 MST" "03 03 18 jd:077 23:30:00 MST"
[385] "03 03 19 jd:078 00:00:00 MST"

so, there is a mis-match between the dimensions of time.tag and 
day.time...which one is correct??

> day.time
 [1,]     0
 [2,]  1800
 [3,]  3600
 [4,]  5400
 [5,]  7200
 [6,]  9000
 [7,] 10800
...etc, etc...
[379,] 75600
[380,] 77400
[381,] 79200
[382,] 81000
[383,] 82800
[384,] 84600

to fix this i changed:

> day.time <- matrix(day.time,48*days,1,byrow=T)

to be:

> day.time <- matrix(day.time,48*days+1,1,byrow=T)

i renamed the program to be:  prof.analyze.temp.q
and then recompiled it by:

make prof.analyze.temp.q

There were also problems with the next set of 10days (ie, mar.21.31.03).

similar thing:

[1] "03 03 24 jd:083 17:00:00 MST"
> time.end
[1] "03 03 31 jd:090 23:30:00 MST"
> length(day.time)
[1] 337
> length(time.tag)
[1] 350
> days
[1] 7

so in prof.analyze.temp.q changed,

 day.time <- matrix(day.time,48*days+1,1,byrow=T)    

to be,

 day.time <- matrix(day.time,48*days+14,1,byrow=T)

now it works by doing:

Warning messages:
  assigning "" masks an object of the same name on
        database 2

by the end of all this the number of files is:

dir /home/staff/aturnip/results/*/* | grep mar | grep .03 | grep :

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      22565 Mar 20 14:19 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/DT.mar01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      18171 Mar 29 08:32 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/DT.mar11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      16550 Apr  3 14:41 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/DT.mar21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      21081 Mar 20 14:27 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/PT.mar01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      16978 Mar 29 08:39 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/PT.mar11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      15467 Apr  3 14:46 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/PT.mar21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip     21096 Mar 27 11:49 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/WT.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      16993 Mar 29 08:45 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/WT.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      15483 Apr  3 14:52 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/WT.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     388875 Apr  4 14:01 /home/staff/aturnip/results/bole.needles/
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip      1711 Mar 27 11:56 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       3090 Mar 29 09:10 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns        477 Apr  3 14:54 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip    107231 Mar 27 17:36 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      67389 Mar 29 17:49 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      66160 Apr  3 03:26 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip     55401 Mar 27 14:48 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar01.10.03a
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip     52543 Mar 27 17:36 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar01.10.03b
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      32115 Mar 29 16:29 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar11.20.03a
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      35983 Mar 29 17:49 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar11.20.03b
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      35930 Apr  3 23:08 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar21.31.03a
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      36269 Apr  3 03:26 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.mar21.31.03b
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      70542 Mar 21 07:28 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/openco2.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      46005 Mar 30 00:48 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/openco2.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      44541 Apr  4 06:09 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/openco2.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      70521 Mar 21 02:07 /home/staff/aturnip/results/heat.flux/ht.flux.mar01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      46400 Mar 29 16:11 /home/staff/aturnip/results/heat.flux/ht.flux.mar11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      46539 Apr  3 21:38 /home/staff/aturnip/results/heat.flux/ht.flux.mar21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     253255 Mar 20 15:17 /home/staff/aturnip/results/met/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     195003 Mar 29 09:51 /home/staff/aturnip/results/met/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     176202 Apr  3 15:28 /home/staff/aturnip/results/met/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      10839 Mar 20 15:01 /home/staff/aturnip/results/precip/precip.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       8449 Mar 29 09:39 /home/staff/aturnip/results/precip/precip.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       7114 Apr  3 15:17 /home/staff/aturnip/results/precip/precip.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       4157 Mar 20 14:44 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       3163 Mar 29 09:25 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       2782 Apr  3 15:06 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      78211 Mar 21 04:35 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/profile.mar01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      60220 Mar 29 19:47 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/profile.mar11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      52547 Apr  4 00:50 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/profile.mar21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip     68570 Mar 28 01:19 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/storage.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      43167 Apr  2 17:52 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/storage.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      29999 Apr  4 13:08 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/storage.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     245653 Apr  4 14:10 /home/staff/aturnip/results/s.2003/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     205425 Apr  4 14:10 /home/staff/aturnip/results/s.2003/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     208443 Apr  4 14:10 /home/staff/aturnip/results/s.2003/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      53118 Apr  4 13:31 /home/staff/aturnip/results/soil/soil.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      51301 Apr  4 13:31 /home/staff/aturnip/results/soil/soil.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      59191 Apr  4 13:31 /home/staff/aturnip/results/soil/soil.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      12073 Mar 20 22:27 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonic.flags.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       7955 Mar 29 13:36 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonic.flags.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       7972 Apr  3 19:10 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonic.flags.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      80122 Mar 20 22:27 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonicA.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      52657 Mar 29 13:36 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonicA.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      52402 Apr  3 19:10 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonicA.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      63613 Mar 20 22:27 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonicB.mar.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      41584 Mar 29 13:36 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonicB.mar.11.20.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      41549 Apr  3 19:10 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonicB.mar.21.31.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip     60385 Mar 27 23:28 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip     63248 Mar 27 23:28 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      20598 Mar 29 21:56 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      21719 Mar 29 21:56 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      27538 Apr  4 03:28 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      29245 Apr  4 03:28 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     137826 Apr  4 14:11 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     108341 Apr  4 14:11 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     120571 Apr  4 14:12 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      88512 Apr  4 14:12 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     123539 Apr  4 14:12 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      98776 Apr  4 14:12 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip     77967 Mar 28 00:42 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      60193 Mar 29 22:55 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      49588 Apr  4 04:15 /home/staff/aturnip/results/

dir /home/staff/aturnip/results/*/* | grep mar | grep .03 | grep : | wc

Total number of files = 73.

19: data processing, Site none, Thu 03-Apr-2003 09:06:21 MST, Logger Data Processing for March, 2003.
Thursday, April 3, 2003.

STill need to download the UC logger data.

Update:  Wed, 5/7, 12:09pm:
Created the undercanopy logger data file for march:

128429 May  7 11:57 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/UC_2003_03.csv

Update:  Thur, 4/3, 2:23pm:

discovered that the clock on the 23tc4_1.dat file is screwed
up.  (this will be true for next month too, so the clock needs
to be reset!).  The problem occurs at:

 >> tc1(r_jump(1:10)-2,1:4)
        107.00         84.00       1300.00         -3.16
        107.00         84.00       1315.00         -2.94
        107.00         96.00       1145.00         -2.60
        107.00         96.00       1200.00         -2.42
        107.00         96.00       1215.00         -2.26
        107.00         96.00       1230.00         -2.14

this is when we reset the power on the logger.  the problem
was fixed in the program:  


to do this the time was assumed to be continuous from the
JD84, 1315 time onward.  This file has been corrected and the
new file:

 1605325 Apr  3 13:33 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/

created.  The end of the file is:


original post:

files in /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/:

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     113933 Apr  2 11:51 CNR_2003_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1395475 Apr  2 17:59 CO2_2003_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     187298 Apr  2 18:10 MET_2003_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     557756 Apr  2 14:35 MRS_2003_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      99329 Apr  2 14:42 PRF_2003_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     839929 Apr  2 18:41 TCs_NCAR_2003_03.csv

files in /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     317826 Apr  2 14:06 SOIL_2003_03.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1472508 Apr  2 13:49 TCs_2003_03.csv

the number of lines for each file:
wc ~/data_loggers_download/*.csv
    1488    1488  113933 ~/data_loggers_download/CNR_2003_03.csv
   44640   44640 1395475 ~/data_loggers_download/CO2_2003_03.csv
    1488    1488  187298 ~/data_loggers_download/MET_2003_03.csv
    1488    1488  557756 ~/data_loggers_download/MRS_2003_03.csv
    1488    1488   99329 ~/data_loggers_download/PRF_2003_03.csv
    1488    1488  317826 ~/data_loggers_download/SOIL_2003_03.csv
    2976    2976 1472508 ~/data_loggers_download/TCs_2003_03.csv
    8928    8928  839929 ~/data_loggers_download/TCs_NCAR_2003_03.csv

15: data processing, Site none, Fri 21-Mar-2003 10:06:15 MST, Splus processing of Feb Data.
When I tried to do the monthly plots of the Feb data I was having problems
since not all the data were there....I noticed that I was missing 3 files:


after a little bit of looking around I found that the storage.feb.01.10.03
file was the problem.  To create this file it was necessary to run:,MANUAL=T,NAME=1)

in Splus.  After doing this and then running:


all files existed.  There should be 28 files...they are:

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      22565 Feb 18 11:45 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/DT.feb01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      21081 Feb 18 11:38 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/PT.feb01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      21095 Feb 18 11:38 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/WT.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      15135 Feb 18 11:37 /home/staff/aturnip/results/Data.times/loggers.feb01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       4207 Feb 20 14:43 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      54448 Feb 21 19:21 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/UCflux.feb.01.10.03a
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      66383 Feb 21 19:22 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/UCflux.feb.01.10.03b
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip     84313 Mar 13 16:34 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      29636 Mar 13 11:44 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.feb01.10.03a
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      55401 Mar 13 16:34 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/fluxes.feb01.10.03b
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      57952 Feb 21 11:35 /home/staff/aturnip/results/fluxes/openco2.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      59036 Feb 19 02:01 /home/staff/aturnip/results/heat.flux/ht.flux.feb01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     183035 Feb 18 16:07 /home/staff/aturnip/results/met/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      10873 Feb 18 13:20 /home/staff/aturnip/results/precip/precip.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns       3552 Feb 18 13:00 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      82788 Feb 20 20:28 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/profile.feb01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      46952 Mar 20 18:50 /home/staff/aturnip/results/profiler/storage.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     235269 Mar 20 22:38 /home/staff/aturnip/results/s.2003/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      53371 Mar 11 14:45 /home/staff/aturnip/results/soil/soil.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      10914 Feb 18 22:55 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonic.flags.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      73272 Feb 18 22:55 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonicA.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      58046 Feb 18 22:55 /home/staff/aturnip/results/sonic/sonicB.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      25036 Mar 20 22:39 /home/staff/aturnip/results/weekly/weekly.flux.feb.01.10.03
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      64701 Feb 21 07:13 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      69587 Feb 21 07:13 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip    141753 Mar 20 22:41 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 aturnip    113052 Mar 20 22:41 /home/staff/aturnip/results/
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      78972 Feb 21 09:19 /home/staff/aturnip/results/

13: data processing, Site none, Tue 18-Mar-2003 16:04:23 MST, Logger Data Processing for Feb., 2003
Tuesday 3/18/2003.

Logger data file organization:

The files in /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/ are:

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     102581 Mar 18 12:42 CNR_2003_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1295139 Mar 11 15:47 CO2_2003_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     177049 Mar 18 12:52 MET_2003_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     457386 Mar 13 14:11 MRS_2003_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns      95101 Mar 11 13:37 PRF_2003_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     508614 Mar 18 13:45 TCs_NCAR_2003_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     122516 Mar 18 13:00 UC_2003_02.csv

The files in /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/ are:

-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     291598 Mar 11 12:50 SOIL_2003_02.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1452335 Mar 11 16:42 TCs_2003_02.csv

Here are the number of lines in each file:

    1344    1344  102581 CNR_2003_02.csv
   40320   40320 1295139 CO2_2003_02.csv
    1344    1344  177049 MET_2003_02.csv
    1344    1344  457386 MRS_2003_02.csv
    1344    1344   95101 PRF_2003_02.csv
    1344    1344  291598 SOIL_2003_02.csv
    2688    2688 1452335 TCs_2003_02.csv
    8059    8059  508614 TCs_NCAR_2003_02.csv
    1344    1344  122516 UC_2003_02.csv

(note: i just noticed that TCs_NCAR_2003_02.csv is missing a few values
 at the start of the file...)

3/20--updated the file:

508913 Mar 18 16:54 /data/projects/NIWOT/raw_data/loggers/TCs_NCAR_2003_02.csv

 8064    8064  508913 TCs_NCAR_2003_02.csv

8: data processing, Site none, Fri 28-Feb-2003 12:14:56 MST, Logger *csv Data Files for January, 2003
Created the following csv data files from the data loggers:
(note:  these are the data directly downloaded from the loggers
in the field--they are typically averaged down data).

The files created are:

specialk:/home/staff/sburns>dir /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/*.csv | grep burn
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     113269 Feb 26 13:51 /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/CNR_2003_01.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1384972 Feb 26 17:26 /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/CO2_2003_01.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     196626 Feb 26 14:01 /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/MET_2003_01.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     442591 Feb 26 12:33 /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/MRS_2003_01.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     102645 Feb 26 13:38 /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/PRF_2003_01.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     322306 Feb 26 17:04 /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/SOIL_2003_01.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns    1625270 Feb 28 10:43 /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/TCs_2003_01.csv
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     752129 Feb 28 11:36 /home/staff/aturnip/results/loggers/TCs_NCAR_2003_01.csv

Each file covers all the data from the month of January, 2003.  There were a 
couple of files I wasn't sure what to do with...these are:

rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     141364 Jan  9 15:52 /home/staff/sburns/data_loggers_download/23UC1_9.DAT
-rw-rw-r--   1 sburns     343106 Jan  9 15:44 /home/staff/sburns/data_loggers_download/CR10X1.DAT

the 23UC1_9.DAT file is from the mini-tower data from this 
logger have not been downloaded recently.

I'm not sure what the "CR10X1.DAT" file is...the julian date with the file is
not from January.