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August |
2014 |
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Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
27JD208Site Visit (SpB, KK): Details , Photos (17) Span cylinder at 1650 psi, N2 at 750 psi moved cc316422 (n2) to tower at 11:40 MST, increased LI-7200 inlet assembly heater power from 0.15 A at 12.5V to 0.19 A at 16.3 V from 12:11-12:25 MST, replaced 2 micron Nupro filter in LI-6262 box removed two broken sensors (from NCTC logger) covered part of fiber optic cable with split loom and also some foam started fastpb18.csi (w/ time updates) to reset sec to 0.01 CU Jeep Cherokee Sunny in morning, then humid + some sun breaks. |
28JD209 |
29JD210Heavy rain (afternoon and overnight) |
30JD211Heavy rain in morning, LI-7200 might have ingested water? fast CR23X is only working intermittently? |
31JD212Site Visit (ES): Details sometime overnight on 7/30, the LI-7200 sample flow goes to zero in late afternoon: ES upgrades firmware in EC100 module |
1JD213 |
2JD214Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (26) Span cylinder at 1600 psi, N2 at 620 psi in morning: replaced LI-7200 pump module (mounted vertically). Heater at 0.18 A at 16.1 V at 15:40 MST, swiped krypton the LI-6251 dessicant tube was plugged, co2 was off-scale (it was ok on 7/31 and/or 8/1?). from approx 16:05-16:15 MST, Changed profiler (li-6251) dessicant added GPS signal input to titan2/isffa (/dev/ttyS4). CU Prius Sunny and warm day. |
3JD215 |
4JD216 |
5JD217 |
6JD218Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (31+) Span cylinder at 1590 psi, N2 at 510 psi at approx 7:30 MST, network to C1 down (Kelly working with network folks, left it disconnected) LI-7200 heater at 0.18 A at 16.2 V (seems stable) moved GPS signal input on titan2/isffa from /dev/ttyS4 to /dev/ttyS7. SpB Jeep Clouds with some wind. |
7JD219at around 10 MST, network back up |
8JD220Moist air mass (in afternoon) |
9JD221 |
10JD222In the afternoon: soil heat flux data (SOIL logger) look strange, some sensors = NaN. |
11JD223from 10:00-13:00 MST, messed around with ntp on russter (russter2 should now be using isffa/GPS for time-keeping) |
12JD224Site Visit (EG): Details 15:00-16:00, EG downloaded interceptometer data |
13JD225 |
14JD226SpB Off |
15JD227 |
16JD228 |
17JD229 |
18JD230short power outages? (in afternoon and late at night) |
19JD231 |
20JD232Site Visit (ES): Details ES upgrades firmware in EC100 module |
21JD233SpB Returns |
22JD234Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (26) Span cylinder at 1490 psi. N2/ZeroAir at 100 psi---> 1300 psi at 13:00 MST, swapped N2 cylinder with ZeroAir cylinder; old=cc329280, new= cc153241 (zero air) LI-7200 Heater at 0.20 A at 17.9 V, changed to 0.18 A at 15.6 V measured tower dimensions re-started the picarro (extention cord was disconnected) moved JP1 on titan2 for battery backup. Also, updated fastpb18.csi (slight change in setting of the seconds) from approx 12:?-12:? MST, adjusted LI-6262 cal flow rate CU Prius Overcast in AM, heavy rain in PM. |
23JD235 |
24JD236 |
25JD237 |
26JD238In AM: very calm, large co2 variations No data from CPEC200 because of a compact flash card failure |
27JD239For CPEC200, CF card reset/rebooted |
28JD240 |
29JD241Site Visit (SpB, PB, P): Details , Photos (13) Span cylinder at ? psi. N2/ZeroAir at 1200 psi transported booms, two CSAT3s, and DSM to tower CU Suburban Overcast in AM, rain in PM. |
30JD242 |
31JD243Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (23) Span cylinder at ? psi. N2/ZeroAir at 1200 psi finished setup of DSM and two CSAT3s (25m and 18m) SpB Bonnie Overcast/Rainy with sunbreaks |
1JD244 |
2JD245 |
3JD246 |
4JD247 |
5JD248 |
6JD249 |