Wednesday July 16th Visit:
At the site : SpB,RM,G/T/J.
Purpose of visit: Restart the laser (crashed sometime last night).
Download laser data and fill the laser dewar. Change the REBs domes.
Weather at site: Sunny and Warm.
Misc Notes:
* Brought the flasks suitcase up to the site.
* communitcation from specialk to russter was flaky in the afternoon...unixOPS
said this was probably due to power outages on campus.
* Restarted the laser and burned a CD.
* Russ and I wrapped the laser sample cell with foam---see bowling
listings for details.
* checked the profiler dessicant--ok (still blue).
* Changed the REBs domes (note: I don't think there are any more
new domes left...order MORE).
* changed the ozone target. Note, details from Andrew:
A yellow target means it is a new one (they turn brown, then white as they
degrade). Sounds like you got the right one. Easy to check - look and see
what the signal is - if its below 100 mV - its an old one. I think the
on/off/off label has been on there, but it sort of hides if you don't open the box all the way.