% Notes about the CU Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux instrumentation and data % processing in 2014. % % % November 12, 2015 % SpB. (sean.burns@colorado.edu) For more complete details see the calendar page at: http://urquell.colorado.edu/calendar/ and the electronic logbook at: http://urquell.colorado.edu/logbook/ -------------------------------------------------------------- -- In Sept-Oct of 2014, the data system was completely updated to a titan DSM and running the latest version of NIDAS. The old system (quacker and russter2) were retired. The PC in the trailer (russter2) still works and I log in and use it during site visits. -- The LI-7200, LI-6262, and CPEC200 comparison continued throughout the year (the results were presented at Fall AGU 2014). -- on 7 October, replaced LI-7200 (AIU-1110, sn 72H-0479) with one from AmeriFlux (AIU-1250, sn 72H-0539) -- CSI also setup three CSAT3s on the tower to test new CSAT3 firmware. -- In Aug/Sept 2014, installed a detailed profile of CSAT3s (this was to run for a year). -- In winter/spring, added snowtherm IR sensors to the tower (these were problematic and three of four broke). -- The 2m TRH sensor was removed in 2014. The 2-m temperature data in the climate data file is from a thermocouple at 2m. There is no RH data available (all set to NaN). -- We added several wingscape cameras to the site. --------------------------------------------------------------