% Notes about the data processing and instrumentation in 2004. % % % May 4, 2005 % SpB. For more complete details see the calendar page at: http://urquell.colorado.edu/calendar/ and the logbook at: http://urquell.colorado.edu/logbook/ 1. Intermittent power problems with the soil and tree data loggers between March-June 2004 caused some of these data to be lost. 2. We were never able to borrow back the K&Z CNR1 sensor from Peter Blanken so there are no longwave radiation or upwelling shortwave radiation data for the entire year (these columns are left as NaNs). 3. Borrowed a KZ pyranometer from NCAR/EOL which was installed on Feb 13th to measure downwelling shortwave radiation. However, there was a bad connector to this instrument so it only worked intermittently throughout the year (note: the connector was replaced on Feb 11, 2005). 4. The 12.5m li-7500 stopped working from June 18-22. This caused the 21.5m sonic anemometer to also stop working. On June 22nd the li-7500 was disconnected and the 21.5m sonic started working again. The li-7500 was reconnected on July 15, 2005. 5. From August 9-13, the hi-rate data archiving process was not running on russter2. As a result, there are 5-min averages and covariance data from this time period, but no 1-hz or 10-hz data. 6. There were intermittent data dropouts in the upward-looking Licor 190-SA sensor (incoming PAR, s_Rppfd_in_25m). These data were corrected for using a linear fit between s_Rppfd_in_25m and s_Rnet_25m_REBS. ---------------------------------------------------------------