% -- Niwot Ridge Subalpine Forest AmeriFlux Data (site ID: US-NR1) -- % MST Time Period: 2022 01/01 00:00:00 - 2023 01/01 00:00:00, JD 1.000-366.000 (MST) % UTC Time Period: 2022 01/01 07:00:00 - 2023 01/01 07:00:00, JD 1.292-366.292 (UTC) % File Name: niwot_USNR1_radiation_2022.csv % File Created by: Sean Burns (sean.burns@colorado.edu) % File Created for: Mark Raleigh (raleigma@oregonstate.edu) % Date: 12-Apr-2023 % -------- % % % Current Version: ver.2023.04.12 % % * The SP-610 outgoing shortwave radiation data was being clipped by the % software QA/QC. This clipping was removed. An example of the clipped data: % % https://urquell.colorado.edu/data_ameriflux/plots/radiation_usnr1_compare_Rsw_in_2020.pdf % % * Added data for years of 2020 (now full year), 2021, and 2022 % % % ---------------------------------------------------------- % Previous Version: ver.2020.05.14 (Preliminary) % % Notes: % % * Plots of the radiation data are in: % % https://urquell.colorado.edu/data_ameriflux/plots/ % % * Snow will accumulate on the up-looking sensors in the winter. See photos on the site % calendar: https://urquell.colorado.edu/calendar/ % % * The raw voltages are include in case you need to calculate (or check) anything. % % * the incoming longwave from the SL-510 sensor seems to be a bit % strange in 2019 (note this sensor failed in July 2019 and was replaced % on 23 Oct 2019)...the issues with the SL-510 are confirmed by % comparison to the SN-500 radiation: for both 2019 and 2020 there is an % offset between the SL-510 and SN-500 that needs to be better % understood...however, in 2019, the differences are large and variable, % but in 2020, the differences are fairly consistent. Based on this, I % think the 2019 SL-510 longwave data are questionable... % % * it took some effort to add/remove/add the SN-500 sensor, but Im % happy we did...I have not tried to compare Rlw_out calculated from the % T_ir data to Rlw_out from the SN-500... % % * the IR surface temperature sensor seemed to have a strange negative % shift of around 2 degC on day 96 of 2019. see % "radiation_usnr1_2019_zoom.pdf" for details. with the snowpack I % expect a max surface temp of around 0 degC, but on day 96 of 2019 this % seemed to shift...this shift seems to go away in the 2020 data?... % % % % -------- % % Columns are: % % 1-6. Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Sec -- in MST, Time Stamp Corresponds to start of Averaging Time Period % 07. Decimal Day of Year (MST) % 08. Rsw_in_25m_KZ W/m2 25.5m Incoming Shortwave Radiation Kipp and Zonen CNR1 % 09. Rsw_out_25m_KZ W/m2 25.5m Outgoing Shortwave Radiation Kipp and Zonen CNR1 % 10. Rlw_in_25m_KZ W/m2 25.5m Incoming Longwave Radiation Kipp and Zonen CNR1 % 11. Rlw_out_25m_KZ W/m2 25.5m Outgoing Longwave Radiation Kipp and Zonen CNR1 % 12. Rppfd_in_25m umol/m2/s 25.5m Incoming Photosynthetic Active Photon Flux Density (PPFD) LI-COR 190-SA % 13. Rppfd_out_25m umol/m2/s 25.5m Outgoing PPFD LI-COR 190-SA % 14. Rnet_25m_REBS W/m2 25.5m Net Radiation REBS Q*7.1 (sn ?) % 15. Rnet_0200cm_REBS W/m2 2m Net Radiation Rebs Q*7.1 (sn Q96333) % 16. Rsw_in_sp510 W/m2 2.2m Incoming Shortwave Radiation Apogee SP-510 % 17. Rsw_in_sn500 W/m2 2.2m Incoming Shortwave Radiation Apogee SN-500 % 18. Rsw_out_sp610 W/m2 2.2m Outgoing Shortwave Radiation Apogee SP-610 % 19. Rsw_out_sn500 W/m2 2.2m Outgoing Shortwave Radiation Apogee SN-500 % 20. Rlw_in_sl510 W/m2 2.2m Incoming Longwave Radiation Apogee SL-510 % 21. Rlw_in_sn500 W/m2 2.2m Incoming Longwave Radiation Apogee SN-500 % 22. Rlw_out_sn500 W/m2 2.2m Outgoing Longwave Radiation Apogee SN-500 % 23. Tir_si121 degC ground (sensor at 2m) Infrared Surface Temperature Apogee SI-121 % 24. T_therm_si121 degC 2.2m Thermistor Temperature Apogee SI-121 % 25. T_therm_sl510 degC 2.2m Thermistor Temperature Apogee SL-510 % 26. T_med_uc degC 2.5m Air Temperature at Mini-tower Medtherm Thermocouple % 27. snowdepth_judd cm 2.5m Snow Depth Judd Ultrasonic Depth Sensor % 28. Rsw_in_sp510_mV mV 2.2m Incoming Shortwave Radiation Voltage Apogee SP-510 % 29. Rsw_out_sp610_mV mV 2.2m Outgoing Shortwave Radiation Voltage Apogee SP-610 % 30. Rpile_in_sl510_mV mV 2.2m Thermopile Voltage Apogee SL-510 % 31. T_therm_sl510_mV mV 2.2m Thermistor Voltage Apogee SL-510 % 32. Tir_pile_si121_mV mV 2m Thermopile Voltage Apogee SI-121 % 33. Tir_term_si121_mV mV 2m Thermistor Voltage Apogee SI-121 % -------- % %