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February |
2025 |
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Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
26JD26 |
27JD27 |
28JD28 |
29JD29 |
30JD30 |
31JD31 |
1JD32 |
2JD33 |
3JD34Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (51) Span cylinder at 1100 psi, N2 at 600 psi at 12:30 MST, stirred the PGE de-icer in both pluvios (very liquidy) at 14:15 MST, new program in the CNR/RAD logger (rad_14.csi); changed the spn1 total radiation voltage range from 14:55-15:05 MST swapped the 21.5m LI-7200 inlet (added the heated inlet, set to 2 Watts) at around 16 MST, swapped SD card from GPSCAM (moved GPSCAM to subcanopy radiation sensors, now RADCAM) Downloaded AP200, D.Bowling, and teros11 tree water content logger data Enterprise rental Very warm and clear; breezy |
4JD35 |
5JD36at 8:00 MST, urquell scheduled for reboot |
6JD37 |
7JD38 |
8JD39at 9:00 MST, lost contact with isffa (network was fine, but titan was not reachable) |
9JD40Site Visit (SpB): Details , Photos (22) at 11:50 MST, cleared snow from the subcanopy rad sensors (see photos) at 12:10 MST, power-cycled the isffa titan (came back up cleanly) need new batteries for the RADCAM (attempted to download photos) SpB Jeep Cold; clear skies; breezy |
10JD41 |
11JD42 |
12JD43 |
13JD44Meet w/ Holly from 14:00-14:30 MST Lab Meeting from 14:30-15:30 MST |
14JD45 |
15JD46 |
16JD47 |
17JD48 |
18JD49 |
19JD50 |
20JD51 |
21JD52 |
22JD53 |
23JD54 |
24JD55 |
25JD56 |
26JD57 |
27JD58Meet w/ Holly from 14:30-15:00 MST Lab Meeting at 15:00 MST |
28JD59 |
1JD60 |